Magisnat Research and Development Laboratory
MAGISNAT-RD is the research and development laboratory of MAGISNAT, aimed at studying the biochemical processes of the body to identify deficiencies and imbalances for personalized targeted dietary supplementation and healthy lifestyles, with the goal of maintaining well-being and studying homeostatic processes.
The laboratory focuses on studying how certain classes of natural molecules can impact important biochemical pathways in the human body. Therefore, just as in physiological states, in cases of deficiencies or increased needs, or in pathological states, targeted supplementation is important to help the body maintain homeostatic systems functioning. This is the Science of Wellness, which aims to counteract aging, support individuals with increased needs such as intense physical activity and assist those with specific deficiencies or conditions.
The Science of Wellness is dedicated to deepening understanding of homeostatic processes and metabolic pathways at a biochemical level, aiming to optimize individual well-being through personalized adaptation of lifestyles based on the molecular makeup of the individual. The primary objective is to identify and restore physical balance by enhancing homeostatic mechanisms and promoting well-being.
Scientific Approach and Methodology
The laboratory is based on a study approach and scientific methodology that revolves around two distinct paradigms. The first investigates biochemical pathway deficiencies and imbalances to rebalance them, while the second analyzes the effects of natural molecules on the human body.
The first paradigm integrates molecules with biochemical pathways through multi-omic analysis, including genomic, transcriptomic, metabolomic, and proteomic studies. It also explores homeostatic mechanisms using microbiomics due to its complexity and relevance.
The second paradigm classifies natural molecules like vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts, identifying their role in maintaining physiological balance based on literature and bioinformatic approaches. It studies these molecules in experimental models and human trials, using in vitro and in vivo methods to verify biochemical functions and gene or protein modulation.
Finally, biomarkers associated with detected imbalances are identified, aiding in the understanding and management of physiological and pathological conditions.
Product Research and Development
The research and development of a product begin by searching for literature data, molecules involved, pathways implicated, specific biomarkers indicating pathway imbalances, and associated conditions such as deficiencies, increased needs, or imbalances linked to physiological or pathological conditions. Additionally, the safety of the molecules used in dietary supplementation is considered, and a study is conducted using multiomic approaches to verify the product's effectiveness.
The research involves multiomic analysis to identify altered pathways, micronutrient deficiencies, and increased needs, in addition to defining specific lifestyle supplementation and subsequent monitoring according to the product lines offered.
To outline the role and disposition of various natural molecules in different biochemical pathways, we have created the model called the "OMICS Machine." This model encompasses the major biochemical pathways of the body and illustrates how natural molecules, such as vitamins, minerals, plant extracts standardized in active principles, and other substances with physiological effects, act on these pathways.
The goal is to counteract aging and physical and muscular deterioration, promote continuous well-being, and create conditions unfavorable to the development of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Deficiencies and imbalances persisting for several years may be correlated with specific conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases; therefore, efforts are made to strengthen the body's homeostatic mechanisms.
Natural Molecules and Pathways
MAGISNAT has developed the "OMICS Machine" model through the multiomic approach, offering a comprehensive understanding of how genes, metabolites, and proteins intertwine within major categories such as the immune system, oxidative stress, inflammation, longevity, deficiency states, increased demands, specific conditions, physical activity, brain health, and sleep. Our goal is to provide people with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and optimize individual well-being.
The "OMICS Machine" model identifies how natural molecules can provide beneficial effects within the studied biochemical pathways by discovering how to rebalance homeostasis.

OMICS Markers for Wellness and Personalization

OMICS testing is a fundamental tool for gaining detailed insight into the molecular processes that govern the relationship between our genetic makeup and daily choices related to diet, nutritional supplementation, and physical activity. Through targeted DNA sequencing, metabolomic and proteomic profiling, we can study the mechanisms that drive homeostasis.
The results of omics testing provide a comprehensive picture of our metabolism, inflammation, cellular oxidation and other crucial biological processes, thus providing a solid basis for better personalizing our lifestyle. Each individual has his or her own unique molecular profile, so personalization becomes crucial when it comes to promoting health and well-being. By analyzing genetic, metabolic, and protein data, we can tailor lifestyles optimally by promoting wellness and studying the individual's molecular makeup.
In addition, OMICS testing plays a key role in identifying susceptibility to certain diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and certain cancers.
The topics that are discussed in this section are research, development, and communication.
About research, MAGISNAT has always invested in new projects and resources; it is also putting a great effort into studying natural molecules and their possible applications to benefit people affected by various diseases, such as eating disorders. In order to do so, MAGISNAT is establishing important collaborations with leading professors and researchers from all over the world.

MAGISNAT deems that scientific development, continuous research, and innovation are very important concepts that must always be valued and reinforced.
This is why MAGISNAT, with its professional and competent staff, composed of professors and researchers from different parts of the world, has decided to meet on a weekly basis to discuss various relevant issues.
The focus is mainly on scientific research, patenting innovative inventions that will bring well-being to society and relevance to science and research, with the aim of producing and marketing them exclusively, developing the commercial side of natural molecules, and communicating and promoting projects about the Mediterranean diet.